Focus Quantitative analysis on ethnic profiling and police decision-making

Rojek, J., Rosenfeld, R., & Decker, S. (2004). The influence of driver’s race on traffic stops in Missouri. Police Quarterly, 7(1), 126-147.

policing, population weighting, racial profiling, traffic stops

A small but growing body of research has produced several consistent findings regarding race and ethnic differences in traffic stops,…

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Renauer, B. C. (2012). Neighborhood variation in police stops and searches: A test of consensus and conflict perspectives. Police quarterly, 15(3), 219-240.

conflict theory, racial profiling, racial threat, social conditioning

This study examines consensus and conflict approaches to explaining police stop and search rates in 94 neighborhoods. Police deployment, racial…

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Norris, C., Fielding, N., Kemp, C., & Fielding, J. (1992). Black and blue: An analysis of the influence of race on being stopped by the police. British Journal of Sociology, 207-224.

None given

This article addresses the debate over the disproportionate representation of black people in the criminal justice system, with particular reference…

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Fallik, S. W., & Novak, K. J. (2012). The decision to search: Is race or ethnicity important?. Journal of contemporary criminal justice, 28(2), 146-165.

police, racial profiling, searches

This manuscript examines police officer decision making during automobile stops to determine whether Black and Hispanic drivers are searched at…

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