Books & articles

Rowe M., O’Neill M., De Kimpe S. & Hoffman I. (2021) Policing during a pandemic – for the public health or against the usual suspects? CEPOL Bulletin No SCE 5 (2021). Access full pdf.

White paper – Policing the Pandemic – PDF

Brita Bjørkelo, B., Hoel, L., Solhjell, Stærkebye, M.L, Ellefsen, B., Singh, M., Thomassen, G., Gundhus, H.O.I. (2020). Når politiets gode intensjoner oppleves som mistenkeliggjøring. Available from:

Gundhus, H.O.I., Hammer, D, Solhjell, R.K. (2020). Prate eller kontrollere? Klassekampen  June 26. Available from: [Accessed 10 July 2020]

Verfaillie, Kristof & De Kimpe, Sofie & Cools, Marc. (2019). Counter-terrorism policing and the prevention paradox: A Marginal Phenomenon or a Mirror to Society?. Access full PDF

Verfaillie, Kristof. / Het criminaliteitscontrolespel. Een onderzoek naar representatiepolitiek, witte ridders en de dynamiek van hervormingen. In: Panopticon. 2018 ; Vol. 39, No. 3. pp. 232-236.