Understanding the Practice of Police Stops in Europe

Checks at dangerous, crime-prone places in Berlin / Kontrollen an gefährlichen, kriminalitätsbelastete Orte in Berlin

In Germany, there is the possibility for the police to control persons without suspicions at crime-prone (so-called dangerous) places. Whether…

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Case study – Police stops in the Republic of North Macedonia

CASE ANALYSIS Goran Manojlovski, MP in the Parliament of the Republic of North Macedonia from the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE, on…

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Police stops in Croatia

Police stops as a part of strategies and officers’ efficiency measure In some police units, police stops are regarded as…

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“Observing police stops” by Mike Rowe, Liverpool University (UK)

May 2015 (Rowe, 2017) Two officers, Charlie and Neville, patrol a neighbourhood early one warm summer evening. They are looking…

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