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Bradley, J. (2018). Is stop and search a deterrent? BMJ, K2122.
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Full letter: Torjesen says that Scotland was successful in reducing knife crime by adopting a public health approach and not…
Read moreBowling, B. (2008). Zero policy: Critiques the commitment to ‘zero tolerance’ arguing that it sanctions police abuse of stop-and-search powers. Criminal Justice Matters, 71(1), 6-7.
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Discussion of 'zero tolerance' styles of policing into political agenda
Read moreBowling, B., & Phillips, C. (2007). Disproportionate and Discriminatory: Reviewing the Evidence on Police Stop and Search. Modern Law Review, 70(6), 936-961.
Criminal Justice, Police Powers, Racism Racial Discrimination, stop and search
Eight years after the Lawrence Inquiry, the question of police powers to stop and search people in public places remains…
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