Countries Finland

Saarikkomäki, Elsa & Alvesalo-Kuusi, Anne (2020). Ethnic Minority Youths’ Encounters With Private Security Guards: Unwelcome in the City Space. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 36(1), 128–143.

An increasing amount of literature is suggesting that ethnic minorities perceive their relations with the police as negative and procedurally…

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Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2018). Young people’s conceptions of trust and confidence in the crime control system: Differences between public and private policing. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 18, 156–172.

 procedural justice, focus groups, police, private security guards, Trust, youth

Private security increasingly participates in policing, thus changing the field of policing. However, there is a lack of research on…

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Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2021). Etnisten vähemmistönuorten kokemukset virallisesta kontrollista ja leimasta. [Experiences of label and control among ethnic minority youths in Finland, Finnish Criminology Journal] Kriminologia, 1(1), 20–38.

criminological labeling theory, Ethnic profiling, police, private security, youth

Finland is characterised by the high levels of trust in the police. Recently though, discussions have been raised about ethnic…

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Schaap, D., & Saarikkomäki, E. (2022). Rethinking police procedural justice. Theoretical Criminology.

 procedural justice, Legitimacy, police, police-citizen relations, Trust

While procedural justice theory has become the dominant paradigm in thinking about police legitimacy, it has several important weaknesses. First,…

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Solhjell, R., Saarikkomäki, E. Haller, M.B., Wästerfors, D. & Kolind, T. (2018) “We are seen as a threat”: Police stops of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries. Critical Criminology, 1-15.

experiencing, intersectionality, minorities, police stops, youth

This article focuses on the perspectives of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries who have experienced various forms of…

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