Countries Sweden

Wästerfors, D. & V. B. Alm (2019) “‘They are harsher to me than to my friend who is blonde’. Police critique among ethnic minority youth in Sweden”, Journal of Youth Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2019.1592129

 comparisons,  identifications, discrimination, Ethnic profiling, ethnicity, racism

Young people belonging to categories and living in areas that are targeted by the police find more arguments for detailed…

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Solhjell, R., Saarikkomäki, E. Haller, M.B., Wästerfors, D. & Kolind, T. (2018) “We are seen as a threat”: Police stops of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries. Critical Criminology, 1-15.

experiencing, intersectionality, minorities, police stops, youth

This article focuses on the perspectives of young ethnic minorities in the Nordic countries who have experienced various forms of…

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Peterson, A. (2008). Who ‘Owns’ the Streets? Ritual Performances of Respect and Authority in Interactions Between Young Men and Police Officers. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 9(2), 97-118. doi:10.1080/14043850802450104

 Erving Goffman,  Impression management,  Police codes of conduct,  Police suppression,  Reciprocal relations,  Street cultures, Authority, respect, youth

Joining insights from the work of Richard Sennett and Erving Goffman, I probe the power relations which underlie the performances…

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Pettersson, T. (2014). Complaints as Opportunity for Change in Encounters between Youths and Police Officers. Social Inclusion, 2(3), 102-112. doi:

The presence of distrust in the police and how they perform their work among ethnic minority youths in socially underprivileged…

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Lalander, P. (2017). Staging “Chileanness”: Ethnicity, illegal drug economy and social structures. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 24(3), 240-247. doi:10.1080/09687637.2016.1264371

 culture,  drug dealing,  economy,  illegal,  staged,  street, ethnicity, Ethnography

Aim: Following a group of young men with Chilean background living in a Swedish territorially stigmatised area, the author analyses…

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Haller, M. B., R. Solhjell, E. Saarikkomäki, T. Kolind, G. Hunt, D. Wästerfors (2018). “Minor harassments: Ethnic minority youth in the Nordic countries and their perceptions of the police.” Criminology & Criminal Justice.

 procedural justice, Ethnic minority youth, micro-aggressions, minor harassments, Nordic policing

As different social groups are directly and indirectly confronted with diverse forms of police practices, different sectors of the population…

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