Document Types Article

Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2018). Young people’s conceptions of trust and confidence in the crime control system: Differences between public and private policing. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 18, 156–172.

 procedural justice, focus groups, police, private security guards, Trust, youth

Private security increasingly participates in policing, thus changing the field of policing. However, there is a lack of research on…

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Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2021). Etnisten vähemmistönuorten kokemukset virallisesta kontrollista ja leimasta. [Experiences of label and control among ethnic minority youths in Finland, Finnish Criminology Journal] Kriminologia, 1(1), 20–38.

criminological labeling theory, Ethnic profiling, police, private security, youth

Finland is characterised by the high levels of trust in the police. Recently though, discussions have been raised about ethnic…

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Schaap, D., & Saarikkomäki, E. (2022). Rethinking police procedural justice. Theoretical Criminology.

 procedural justice, Legitimacy, police, police-citizen relations, Trust

While procedural justice theory has become the dominant paradigm in thinking about police legitimacy, it has several important weaknesses. First,…

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Trovão do Rosário, P. (2013), “O mandado de detenção europeu : enquadramento e ponderação atual” in Jurismat: Revista Jurídica. n.º 03-2013. Lisbon

European arrest warrant

The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic announces it as sovereign (article 3, number 2) and based on the dignity of…

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Valente, M.M.G. (2016), “Autoridade de Polícia: (já) é tempo de clarificar a sua intervenção no processo Penal”. In Liber Amicorum Manuel Simas Santos. 1st Ed. Rei dos Livros. pág. 999-1020

Police Authority; criminal procedure

Article about the fundamental questions of police authority and thr rule of law, the power of control on citizens. The…

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