Focus Police decision-making

Rosenfeld, R., Rojek, J., & Decker, S. (2012). Age matters: Race differences in police searches of young and older male drivers. Journal of research in crime and delinquency, 49(1), 31-55.

None given

Prior research on police searches of motorists has consistently found that Black drivers are more likely to be searched than…

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Jobard, F., & Lévy, R. (2011). Racial profiling: The Parisian police experience. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 53(1), 87-93.

racial profiling, registration

The controversy over racial profiling in policing that is explored within the pages of the Canadian Journal of Criminology and…

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Giles, H., Linz, D., Bonilla, D., & Gomez, M. L. (2012). Police stops of and interactions with Latino and White (non-Latino) drivers: Extensive policing and communication accommodation. Communication Monographs, 79(4), 407-427.

communication accomodation theory, extensive policing, Latinos, law enforcement, police

Following previous research on traffic stops involving police officers with African American and White drivers, a content analysis of 69…

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Carroll, L., & Gonzalez, M. L. (2014). Out of place: Racial stereotypes and the ecology of frisks and searches following traffic stops. Journal of research in crime and delinquency, 51(5), 559-584.

None given

Objectives: Test hypotheses drawn from Smith and Alpert's social conditioning theory that explains biased policing as the result of implicit…

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Constantinou, A. G. (2016). “Demystifying” the police: a participant observation study of police stops (and searches). International journal of comparative and applied criminal justice, 40(1), 79-99.

Cyprus, police discretion, Police Powers, suspicion, traffic stops

Police are empowered by law to stop and search vehicles and their occupants, once reasonable grounds for suspicion come into…

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Blalock, G., DeVaro, J., Leventhal, S., & Simon, D. H. (2011). Gender bias in power relationships: evidence from police traffic stops. Applied Economics, 43(29), 4469-4485.

bias, citations, Gender, police, power, tickets

We test for the existence of gender bias in power relationships. Speci cally, we examine whether police offcers are less…

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Alpert, Geoffrey P., John M. MacDonald, and Roger G. Dunham. “Police suspicion and discretionary decision making during citizen stops.” Criminology 43.2 (2005): 407-434.

citizen stops, Police decision making, police suspicion

This study examines the influence of racial, demographic and situational variables on types of police suspicion and the ancillary decision…

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