Giles, H., Linz, D., Bonilla, D., & Gomez, M. L. (2012). Police stops of and interactions with Latino and White (non-Latino) drivers: Extensive policing and communication accommodation. Communication Monographs, 79(4), 407-427.

Published on 10/01/2020

Following previous research on traffic stops involving police officers with African American and White drivers, a content analysis of 69 recorded stops was conducted in a very different locale Latino and non-Latino drivers with non-Latino officers. The study was guided by communication accomodation theory, and predicted differences in interactants’ communication strategies and stop outcomes based on ethnicity, driver accent and the level of accommodative and non accommodative strategies. The results largely supported the hypotheses and suggested that there is a disparity in the treatment of certain stigmatized ethnic groups as evidenced in the dynamics of officer and driver communication behaviors. The findings are discussed in terms of their empirical, theoretical and practical implications for negative experiences the Latino community may have with police.

García Añón, J., Bradford, B., García Sáez, J.A., Gascón Cuenca, A., y Llorente Ferreres, A. (2013). Identificación policial por perfil étnico en España. Informe sobre experiencias y actitudes en relación con las actuaciones policiales. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia.

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Henry, T. K. S., & Franklin, T. W. (2017). Police Legitimacy in the Context of Street Stops: The Effects of Race, Class, and Procedural Justice. Criminal Justice Policy Review

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