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Jobard, F., de Maillard, J. (2019). Les relations police-population au prisme des contrôles d’identité. In Défenseur des droits (dir.), Inégalités d’accès aux droits et discriminations en France : contributions de chercheurs à l’enquête du Défenseur des droits, Paris, La Documentation française, 59-73.
discrimination, experiences, stops
The article reviews the current situation on the issue of identity checks in France, focusing on four dimensions: the regulatory…
Read moreSollund, R. (2007). Tatt for en annen: En feltstudie av relasjonen mellom etniske minoriteter og politiet. [Mistaken for someone else: A field study of relations between ethnic minorities and the police]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
ethnic minorities, experiences, police stops, youth
Ragnhild Sollund (criminology) published on the topic of relations between ethnic minorities and the police through a book entitled “Mistaken…
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