Keywords  procedural justice

Gau, J. M. (2013). Consent searches as a threat to procedural justice and police legitimacy: An analysis of consent requests during traffic stops. Criminal justice policy review, 24(6), 759-777.

 procedural justice, Consent searches, police legitimacy, traffic citations, traffic stops

Consent searches during traffic stops offer police a way to expediently check motorists’ vehicles for contraband. Asking drivers for consent…

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Haller, M. B., R. Solhjell, E. Saarikkomäki, T. Kolind, G. Hunt, D. Wästerfors (2018). “Minor harassments: Ethnic minority youth in the Nordic countries and their perceptions of the police.” Criminology & Criminal Justice.

 procedural justice, Ethnic minority youth, micro-aggressions, minor harassments, Nordic policing

As different social groups are directly and indirectly confronted with diverse forms of police practices, different sectors of the population…

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Engel, R. S. (2005). Citizens’ perceptions of distributive and procedural injustice during traffic stops with police. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 42(4), 445-481.

 procedural justice, distributive justice, Injustice, police, racial profiling, traffic stops

This article examines the hypothesis that citizens' perceptions of injustice are based on normative factors (i.e., perceptions of equity and…

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Craen, M. Van (2013). Explaining Majority and Minority Trust in the Police, Justice Quarterly, 30:6, 1042-1067, DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2011.649295

 performance,  procedural justice,  social capital, minority, police, Trust

This article tests the contribution that social capital theory, performance theory, and the procedural justice-based model can make towards explaining…

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