Gau, J. M. (2013). Consent searches as a threat to procedural justice and police legitimacy: An analysis of consent requests during traffic stops. Criminal justice policy review, 24(6), 759-777.

Published on 10/01/2020

Consent searches during traffic stops offer police a way to expediently check motorists’ vehicles for contraband. Asking drivers for consent to search their vehicles, however, may cause them to feel negatively about the encounter and, consequently, to question officers’ motives for pulling them over. The present study analyzes stopped motorists’ reactions to consent requests; specifically, consent requests are theorized to damage these individuals’ perceptions of procedural justice and, moreover, of the legitimacy of the stop itself. Logistic regression analyses of a nationally representative sample support these hypotheses. Policy implications include the need for judicious use of consent searches, as they appear to be a form of procedural injustice that erodes police legitimacy.

García Añón, J., Bradford, B., García Sáez, J.A., Gascón Cuenca, A., y Llorente Ferreres, A. (2013). Identificación policial por perfil étnico en España. Informe sobre experiencias y actitudes en relación con las actuaciones policiales. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia.

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Henry, T. K. S., & Franklin, T. W. (2017). Police Legitimacy in the Context of Street Stops: The Effects of Race, Class, and Procedural Justice. Criminal Justice Policy Review

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