Languages English

Murray, K. (2018). The Modern Making of Stop and Search. The British Journal of Criminology, 58(3), 588-605.

crime prevention, parliament, Police Powers, stop and search

This article investigates the development of modern stop and search powers in post-war Britain—namely, the legal rules that allow police…

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Namba, M. (2011). ‘War on Illegal Immigrants’, national narratives, and globalisation: Japanese policy and practice of police stop and question in global perspective. Policing and Society, 21(4), 432-443.

ethnicity, globalisation, immigration, Japan, national narrative, penal populism, stop and search

Polundericing, even stop and account, despite being tied to the local, has been confronted with the current pervasiveness of global…

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Laurent, O. (2011). Stop-and-search powers return. The British Journal of Photography, 158(7787), 12.

None given

Controversial stop-and-search powers, previously used to photographers from taking pictures in public places, have been re-introduced by the UK HomeOffice.…

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Legewie, J. (2016). Racial profiling and use of force in police stops: How local events trigger periods of increased discrimination. American Journal of Sociology, 122(2), 379-424.

disproportinate police force, fatal shootings, minorities, racial profiling

Racial profiling and the disproportionate use of police force are controversial political issues. I argue that racial bias in the…

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Lennon, G. (2015). Precautionary tales: Suspicionless counter-terrorism stop and search. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 15(1), 44-62.

Human rights, policing, precautionary, terrorism, uncertainty

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the use of the precautionary principle within counter-terrorism. To date…

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Lennon, G. (2016). Stop and search powers in UK terrorism investigations: A limited judicial oversight? †. The International Journal of Human Rights, 20(5), 634-648.

counter-terrorism, Human rights, policing powers, precaution, stop and search

At the pre-trial stage of counter-terrorist investigations, an ‘Anglo-Saxon’ indulgence towards street-level policing powers has been brought to task by…

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Lennon, G., & Murray, K. (2018). Under-regulated and unaccountable? Explaining variation in stop and search rates in Scotland, England and Wales. Policing and Society, 28(2), 157-174.

legal rules, police accountability, police discretion, stop and search

ABSTRACT From a position of near parity in 2005/2006, by 2012/2013 recorded search rates in Scotland exceeded those in England/Wales…

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Leon Hernandez, I. A. (2019). Embodying experiences of (in)security : exploring ethnic minority youth’s encounters with the police and policing practices in Oslo. Master thesis. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås

ethnic minorities, experiencing police stops, security, violence

The police are a state institution with the power to coerce and maintain “order” within a society so that individuals…

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