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Sollund, R. (2007). Tatt for en annen: En feltstudie av relasjonen mellom etniske minoriteter og politiet. [Mistaken for someone else: A field study of relations between ethnic minorities and the police]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
ethnic minorities, experiences, police stops, youth
Ragnhild Sollund (criminology) published on the topic of relations between ethnic minorities and the police through a book entitled “Mistaken…
Read moreFinstad, L. (2018). Hva er politi? [What is police?]. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
police, racialized profiling, stop and search
Chapter 4: Discussing "Guilty until proven innocent? On stop and search on potential suspects". This is a particularly useful reference…
Read moreFrantzen, E. (2001). Metadonmakt : møte mellom narkotikabrukere og norsk metadonpolitikk [Methadon power: Linking methadon users and the Norwegian Methadon politics]. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
Drug users, methadon, police stop and searches
The author conducted a three-year fieldwork with methadone users and their meetings with both health services and the police. In…
Read moreFinstad, L. (2000). Politiblikket [The Police Gaze]. Oslo: Pax Forlag.
deviant behavior, Police gaze, stop and search
This book, for the first time, provided a comprehensive criminological study of the police service, described by the police themselves.…
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