Part of a larger study. This research examined ethnic profiling in Finland with a focus on its prevalence, forms and interpretations of (1) people who experienced profiling and (2) the police. The study also analysed the practices and logics that can lead to ethnic
profiling. The research sought to produce knowledge of the ethnicised, racialised, gendered and age-based distinctions and practices related to profiling. Moreover, it examined the effects of ethnic profiling of those targeted by it and the strategies
they use in and after situations they experienced as ethnic profiling. The report is based on a survey with majority Finnish and Swedish speakers, and Arabic, Kurdish, Russian and Somali speaking youth (15-29 years old). 49,6 % of respondents from minority and 25% of respondents from majority backgrounds report that control by police, salespersons, or border guards had targeted them or other young people they know – particularly respondents from Arabic and Kurdish speaking regions (60,6 %) and respondents from Somali backgrounds (58,9 %) report experiences of being stopped or knowledge of other young people being stopped are statistically significantly associated with having low trust toward municipal authorities, police, national parliament, security guards and border control officers.