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Wagman, D. y Pernas, B. (2005). Perfil Racial en España: investigaciones y recomendaciones. New York: Open Society Justice Initiative.
The vast majority of police officers at all levels of the security forces, municipal, regional and national, admit to stop…
Read moreShiner, M., Z. Carre, R. Delsol, & N. Eastwood (2018). The Colour of Injustice: ‘Race’, drugs and law enforcement in England and Wales. London: StopWatch, LSE, Release.
A report that captures the police reform and frequency of stop and search conducted in England and Wales, focusing on…
Read moreMiller, J. (2015). Identificaciones policiales imparciales y eficaces. Lecciones sobre la reforma en cinco servicios policiales españoles. Informe técnico. Open Society Foundations.
Around the world, police services, authorities and groups of civil society have worked hard to develop the best practices to…
Read moreKeskinen et al. (2018). The Stopped: Spaces, Meanings and Practices of Ethnic Profiling –study. Sskh reports and discussion papers
Part of a larger study. This research examined ethnic profiling in Finland with a focus on its prevalence, forms and…
Read moreLa ligue des droits de l’homme (2017) Contrôler et punir? Etude exploratoire sur le profilage ethnique dans les contrôles de police: paroles de cibles. Bruxelles: La Ligue des Droits de l’Homme.
In 2017, La ligue des droits de l’homme carried out research on ethnic profiling. They interrogated mainly ethnic minorities. The…
Read moreFrantzen, E. (2001). Metadonmakt : møte mellom narkotikabrukere og norsk metadonpolitikk [Methadon power: Linking methadon users and the Norwegian Methadon politics]. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget
The author conducted a three-year fieldwork with methadone users and their meetings with both health services and the police. In…
Read moreGarcía-España, E., Arenas García, L., Miller, J. (2016). Identificaciones policiales y perfil racial en España. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
This book presents the results achieved with the evaluation of the Effective Police Identification Program (PIPE) promoted by the Platform…
Read moreGarcía Añón, J., Bradford, B., García Sáez, J.A., Gascón Cuenca, A., y Llorente Ferreres, A. (2013). Identificación policial por perfil étnico en España. Informe sobre experiencias y actitudes en relación con las actuaciones policiales. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia.
The aim of this study is the analysis of data from two surveys conducted by Metroscopia with the support of…
Read moreFerrocarril Clandestino (2010). Informe de investigación sobre controles, identificaciones y detenciones. Madrid.
This report has been prepared based on testimonies collected from June 2009 to March 2010 on massive identity checks and…
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