Around the world, police services, authorities and groups of civil society have worked hard to develop the best practices to offer an impartial and effective police service. Recently, five Spanish police services undertook an ambitious program of reforms aimed at reducing the use of ethnic profiles and increasing the effectiveness and impartiality of stops and police records. Their collective experience shows that the change is possible. In this report, these police services reduced theethnic disproportionality of their stops and increased their effectiveness in their actions, at the same time reduced the total number of people identified and improved its relationship with ethnic minority communities and others collectives representative of the diverse society. This report is both a description of the attempts to reform as a proposal -based on experience practice- on how they can be carried out in the future these reforms and the results that can be achieved. Combining a narrative explanation of how the reforms with data from the participating police services and on the impact of these reforms. Impartial stops and effective policing offers a road map for all public police services that try to improve the impartiality and effectiveness of their work.
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