Schaap, D., & Saarikkomäki, E. (2022). Rethinking police procedural justice. Theoretical Criminology.

Published on 06/07/2022

While procedural justice theory has become the dominant paradigm in thinking about police legitimacy, it has several important weaknesses. First, procedural justice’s conceptually essential distinction between ‘process’ and ‘outcome’ is blurred in reality, which is visible both in empirical operationalizations and in researchers’ understanding of police work. Second, procedural justice theory views society through an implicit consensus lens, making it poorly equipped to address police–citizen conflicts and structural societal inequalities. This is evident in the theory’s inability to unpack the dynamics of police–citizen interactions and its reluctance to problematize the police role in contemporary plural societies. To advance our understanding of police legitimacy and police–citizen relations, particularly among marginalized groups, we strongly recommend working toward theoretical renewal and empirical diversification.

Valente, M.M.G. (2016), "Autoridade de Polícia: (já) é tempo de clarificar a sua intervenção no processo Penal". In Liber Amicorum Manuel Simas Santos. 1st Ed. Rei dos Livros. pág. 999-1020

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Saarikkomäki, Elsa, Haller, Mie Birk, Solhjell, Randi, Alvesalo-Kuusi, Anne, Kolind, Torsten, Hunt, Geoffrey & Burcar Alm, Veronika (2021). Suspected or protected? Perceptions of procedural justice in ethnic minority youth's descriptions of police relations. Policing and Society, 31:4, 386-401, DOI: 10.1080/10439463.2020.1747462

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