Szumiło-Kulczycka D, Kontrola osobista, przeglądanie zawartości bagaży, przeszukanie (przyczynek do kwestii racjonalności legislacji). (2012). Państwo i Prawo, 3, 34-44.

Published on 10/01/2020

the distinction in Polish law between personal control (search executed by the Police outside of criminal proceedings) and search (in the scope of criminal proceedings) is ill-founded and the legislation (amended in 2019) do not make a proper disctinction between those two types of interference with the right to privacy

Saudelli, I., De Kimpe, S., & Christiaens, J. (2018). Evaluatie en regulatie van de praktijk van identiteitscontroles. Cahiers Politiestudies (Journal of Police Studies), (48), 209-226.

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Tiratelli, M., Quinton, P., & Bradford, B. (2018). Does Stop and Search Deter Crime? Evidence From Ten Years of London-wide Data. The British Journal of Criminology, 58(5), 1212-1231.

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