Countries Belgium

Van Praet, S. (2022), “Police selectivity “on demand”: the role of organisational justice in promoting procedural justice”, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 194-209.

 procedural justice, action research, organisational justice, police selectivity, reactive policing

Purpose This paper presents the results of an action research with a Brussels’ police force. This research aimed to identify…

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Vanassche, N. & A. Verhage (2015) Racisme en etnisch profileren door politie: in België? Cahiers Politiestudies, 35-58

Belgium, Ethnic minority youth, Ethnic profiling, police, racism

The authors examine to what extent the ethnic minority youth of Kortrijk experiences the actions of the police as racist.…

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Verwee, I. (2013) De politierol bekeken door de bril van de burger. Een caleidoscoop van verwachtingen en betekenissen. Antwerpen: Maklu

citizen, police, role

Verwee examined the way in which the population describes the role of the police. She noticed big differences between population…

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Saudelli, I., De Kimpe, S., & Christiaens, J. (2018). Evaluatie en regulatie van de praktijk van identiteitscontroles. Cahiers Politiestudies (Journal of Police Studies), (48), 209-226.

Identitychecks, police evaluation

De bevoegdheid tot het uitvoeren van een identiteitscontrole is een vaak toegepaste politiepraktijk. Identiteitscontroles worden geacht bij te dragen aan…

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Parmentier, S., & Vervaeke, G. (2011). In criminal justice we trust? A decade of public opinion research in Belgium. European Journal of Criminology, 8(4), 286–302.

Belgium, confidence, Criminal Justice, public opinion, Survey

Like other modern-day democracies, Belgium has in the last quarter century introduced many changes in its system for justice administration,…

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La ligue des droits de l’homme (2017) Contrôler et punir? Etude exploratoire sur le profilage ethnique dans les contrôles de police: paroles de cibles. Bruxelles: La Ligue des Droits de l’Homme.

Belgium, ethnic minorities, identity controls

In 2017, La ligue des droits de l’homme carried out research on ethnic profiling. They interrogated mainly ethnic minorities. The…

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Easton, M. et al. (2009) Multiple community policing: Hoezo?. Gent: Academia Press

community policing; stop and search; identity controls, minorities

The research of Easton, et al. mainly focuses on the community policing philosophy of the Belgian police. In their report…

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Craen, M. Van (2013). Explaining Majority and Minority Trust in the Police, Justice Quarterly, 30:6, 1042-1067, DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2011.649295

 performance,  procedural justice,  social capital, minority, police, Trust

This article tests the contribution that social capital theory, performance theory, and the procedural justice-based model can make towards explaining…

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