Countries England

Moeckli, D. (2007). Stop and Search Under the Terrorism Act 2000: A Comment on R (Gillan) v Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis. Modern Law Review, 70(4), 659-670.

None given

This note begins with a description of the stop and search regime under theTerrorism Act 2000 that formed the background…

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Morris, N. (2015). Stop and search: Nearly every police force is guilty of “racism”. Independent, 1-11.

None given

An analysis by The Independent has established that in 36 of the forces black people are being targeted more than…

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Miller, J. (2010). Stop and Search in England: A Reformed Tactic or Business as Usual? The British Journal of Criminology, 50(5), 954-974.

disproportionality, police accountability, police reform, Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, stop and search

In 1999, the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry heavily criticized ethnic disparities in stop and search (‘disproportionality’), triggering a national reform effort…

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Miller, J., Bland, N., & Quinton, P. (2001). A Challenge for Police-Community Relations: Rethinking Stop and Search in England and Wales. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 9(1), 71-93.

disproportionality intelligence stop and search PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act) police powers

This article presents research carried out as part of a government research programme looking at how police tactic of 'stop…

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Lennon, G., & Murray, K. (2018). Under-regulated and unaccountable? Explaining variation in stop and search rates in Scotland, England and Wales. Policing and Society, 28(2), 157-174.

legal rules, police accountability, police discretion, stop and search

ABSTRACT From a position of near parity in 2005/2006, by 2012/2013 recorded search rates in Scotland exceeded those in England/Wales…

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Lennon, G. (2016). Stop and search powers in UK terrorism investigations: A limited judicial oversight? †. The International Journal of Human Rights, 20(5), 634-648.

counter-terrorism, Human rights, policing powers, precaution, stop and search

At the pre-trial stage of counter-terrorist investigations, an ‘Anglo-Saxon’ indulgence towards street-level policing powers has been brought to task by…

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Lennon, G. (2015). Precautionary tales: Suspicionless counter-terrorism stop and search. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 15(1), 44-62.

Human rights, policing, precautionary, terrorism, uncertainty

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the use of the precautionary principle within counter-terrorism. To date…

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Laurent, O. (2011). Stop-and-search powers return. The British Journal of Photography, 158(7787), 12.

None given

Controversial stop-and-search powers, previously used to photographers from taking pictures in public places, have been re-introduced by the UK HomeOffice.…

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Holdaway, S., & O’Neill, M. (2006). Institutional racism after Macpherson: an analysis of police views. Policing & society, 16(4), 349-369.

Institutional racism, Lawrence, Macpherson, police, race, race relations

Lord Macpherson’s definition of institutional racism was central to his report about the police investigation into the murder of Stephen…

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