Keywords discrimination

Holmberg, L., & Kyvsgaard, B. (2003). Are immigrants and their descendants discriminated against in the Danish criminal justice system? . Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 4, 125–142.

 Conviction, Arrest, discrimination, minorities

The study presents Danish data from 2000 showing disparities between persons with a Danish background and persons with a foreign…

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De Hert, P., & Meerschaut, K. (2007). Identiteitscontroles in rechtsvergelijkend perspectief. Moet controle op kleur worden gemeten. Orde van de dag, 40, 11-20.

discrimination, identity checks, minority status, registration of ethnic data, Young people

The use of identity checks by the police is regularly contested by groups of young people with an immigrant origin.…

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de Maillard, J., Hunold, D., Roché, S., & Oberwittler, D. (2018). Different styles of policing: discretionary power in street controls by the public police in France and Germany. Policing and society, 28(2), 175-188.

comparison, discrimination, police, proactive policing, stop and search, street policing

By analysing French and German police stop and search on the streets based on embedded observations in police patrols and…

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Barnum, C., & Perfetti, R. (2010). Race-Sensitive Choices by Police Officers in Traffic Stop Encounters. Police Quarterly, 13(2), 180-208.

baseline, cognitive activity, cognitive bias, discrimination, disproportionality, disproportionate, minority, officer, police, race, racial, racial profiling, stereotyping, traffic analysis

This study introduces a statistical estimator that can be used to examine disproportionate traffic stop behavior of police officers. This…

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Arenas, L./ García-España, E. (2016). Identificaciones policiales y discriminación racial en España. Evaluación de un programa para su reducción, en Boletín Criminológico, (3) 163.  

discrimination, police culture, police stop, racial profiling

According to some studies (ESS, 2010; García Añón et al, 2013), police officers treat people of different races or ethnic…

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