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Tyler, T. R., Fagan, J., & Geller, A. (2014). Street stops and police legitimacy: Teachable moments in young urban men’s legal socialization. Journal of empirical legal studies, 11(4), 751-785.
An examination of the influence of street stops on the legal socialization of young men showed an association between the…
Read moreTyler, T. R., Jackson, J., & Mentovich, A. (2015). The consequences of being an object of suspicion: Potential pitfalls of proactive police contact. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 12(4), 602-636.
During the latter half of the 20 century American policing became more professional (Skogan & Frydl, 2004) and the rate…
Read moreWaddington, P., Stenson, K., & Don, D. (2004). In proportion – Race, and police stop and search. British Journal Of Criminology, 44(6), 889-914.
This article examines the view, expressed authoritatively in the Macpherson report (1999), that racial disproportionality in police stop and search…
Read moreWästerfors, D. & V. B. Alm (2019) “‘They are harsher to me than to my friend who is blonde’. Police critique among ethnic minority youth in Sweden”, Journal of Youth Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2019.1592129
Young people belonging to categories and living in areas that are targeted by the police find more arguments for detailed…
Read moreWeber, L., & Bowling, B. (2011). Stop and search in global context. Policing and Society, 21(4), 353-356.
Introduction to book of same name
Read moreWeisburd, D., Telep, C., & Lawton, B. (2014). Could Innovations in Policing have Contributed to the New York City Crime Drop even in a Period of Declining Police Strength?: The Case of Stop, Question and Frisk as a Hot Spots Policing Strategy. Justice Quarterly, 31(1), 129-153.
Available data make it impossible to reach strong conclusions about the role of policing in the New York crime decline.…
Read moreSearching for Change: Scottish Stop and Search Powers. (2016). Edinburgh Law Review, 20(2), 178-203.
Dr Lennon examines the existing Scottish law relating to police stop and search powers, and offers a critique of their…
Read moreSegal, J. (2012). “All of the Mysticism of Police Expertise”: Legalizing Stop-and-Frisk in New York, 1961-1968. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review, 47(2), 573-616.
Legal analysis:" This Note narrates the familiar transition from Mapp to Terry from a novel perspective. Drawing on prescriptive literature…
Read moreShiner, M., Z. Carre, R. Delsol, & N. Eastwood (2018). The Colour of Injustice: ‘Race’, drugs and law enforcement in England and Wales. London: StopWatch, LSE, Release.
A report that captures the police reform and frequency of stop and search conducted in England and Wales, focusing on…
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