For more than four years, our EU COST funded network on Police Stops has been gathering information, hearing from experts and practitioners, and learning from those who have experience of being stopped by the police. We have learnt from efforts to change the way policing is done in Scotland and elsewhere. But we have also seen the death of George Floyd and the development of the #blacklivesmatter movement in Europe. And we have noted the ways in which the police were asked to respond to the pandemic and to new public health restrictions.
These two challenges in particular have shed a light on policing in parts of Europe that have, in the past, not paid close attention. Over the four years of our network, debates about the practice of Police Stops have emerged in France, in Belgium, in Norway, in Denmark and in other countries. This event, the closing conference of our network, will present our work. But more important for all of us, it will offer help and ideas for how to address emerging concerns and to improve the relationship between the police and those they police.
Please check the event page for more information.