Eight years after the Lawrence Inquiry, the question of police powers to stop and search people in public places remains at the forefront of debate about police community relations. Police are empowered to stop and search citizens under a wide range of legislative acts and the power is employed daily across Britain. Far from laying the debate to rest, the Lawrence Inquiry prompted new research studies and fresh theories to explain the o⁄cial statistics.We argue that the statistics show that the use of the powers against black people is disproportionate and that this is an indication of unlawful racial discrimination. If stop and search powers cannot be e¡ectively regulated and it seems that they cannot then their continued use is unjusti¢ed and should be curtailed.
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International conference POLICE STOPS ACROSS EUROPE (28 February 2023, The Hague, The Netherlands)
For more than four years, our EU COST funded network on Police Stops has been gathering information, hearing from experts…
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At last, we have been able to meet again. And we can now begin to identify what we have missed…
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