Cabral, P.C. (2016) “Suspeito de Crime”. In: Dicionário «Crime, Justiça e Sociedade». Colletcive Book.. Coordinators: : Rui Leandro Maia, Laura Nunes Sónia Caridade et al. Sílabo Editions, 1st. Ediction, Lisboa. Pag.466-467

Published on 18/05/2020

This dictionary entry is about the concept of a suspected of crime and his rights of defense by law. It mentioned also the identification procedures, constitution of defendant and their consequences.

Oberwittler D., Roché S. (2018). Ethnic disparities in police-initiated contacts of adloscents and attitudes towards the police in France and Germany. In Oberwittler D., Roché S. (Eds.), Police-citizen relations across the world. Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy, Abingdon, Routledge, 73-107.

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