Cakmak, M. and R. Wellendorf (2007). Gadedrenge – yngre etniske drenge i gadebilledet og deres møder med politi og borgere [Lads – younger ethnic boys in the street and their encounters with the police and the citizens]. Center for Ungdomsforskning

Published on 10/01/2020

This report documents studies from six European scientists. The purpose of the studies is to gain an understanding of the dilemmas of professional intervention in order to increase social and economic participation among unemployed young people. The researchers have for the two years the TSER (Targeted Socio-Economic Research) project systematically investigated issues related to what it can mean to expand the possibilities for the range of work and empowerment for unemployed aged 18-25, in the rapidly changing conditions in the “globalized” labor market. The report specifically address the relations between the police and the young “lads”, and how they interpret the community policing they experience.

Blalock, G., DeVaro, J., Leventhal, S., & Simon, D. H. (2011). Gender bias in power relationships: evidence from police traffic stops. Applied Economics, 43(29), 4469-4485.

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Cora Ł., O pojęciu pozaprocesowego zatrzymania osoby (2008). Państwo i Prawo, 3, 72-82

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