Canotilho, G., Moreira, V., (2007) Constituição da República Anotada. Art. 31º annotated. Vol. I. 4th. Ed., Coimbra Editora. Coimbra

Published on 18/05/2020

This text annotate the 31º article of portuguese Constitution. It focus some important constitutional concepts, as: detention against law; the fundamental rights of de accused and the Habeas Corpus legal conditions.

Oberwittler D., Roché S. (2018). Ethnic disparities in police-initiated contacts of adloscents and attitudes towards the police in France and Germany. In Oberwittler D., Roché S. (Eds.), Police-citizen relations across the world. Comparing sources and contexts of trust and legitimacy, Abingdon, Routledge, 73-107.

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