Nicolas Jounin et al. (2015). Le faciès du contrôle. Contrôles d’identité, apparence et modes de vie des étudiant(e)s en Île-de-France. Déviance et Société (Vol. 39), p. 3-29

Published on 10/01/2020

Based on a quantitative survey among students, this article looks at the way police offi- cers carry out stops and identity checks, particularly focusing on the selection criteria with which they operate. Physical appearance and sex relate significantly to the probability of being stopped at least once in one’s life. Race also appears to be significantly related with this possibility in a logistic regression model that includes variables for transport and lei- sure practices. Beyond these discrepancies, one can see group differences in how police stops are carried out and in the frequency with which they are repeated, pointing to the creation of groups which are seen to constitute « police property ».

Weisburd, D., Telep, C., & Lawton, B. (2014). Could Innovations in Policing have Contributed to the New York City Crime Drop even in a Period of Declining Police Strength?: The Case of Stop, Question and Frisk as a Hot Spots Policing Strategy. Justice Quarterly, 31(1), 129-153.

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Fabien Jobard et al. (2012). Measuring Appearance-Based Discrimination: an Analysis of Identity Checks in Paris. Population (Vol. 67), p. 423-451

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