Zagórski J., Zatrzymanie przez Policję oraz umieszczenie w policyjnych izbach zatrzymań (2004). Państwo i Prawo, , 84-97

Published on 10/01/2020

The article describes the aims, grounds and procedure related to stop regulated by the Police Act. The author focuses also on how the police premises for arrested persons function. There are also conclusions from the survey done by the Omsbudsman among stopped persons – they are not aware of their rights, people are detained in facilities that are not certified to serve as detention centres, reports on stop done by the Police are defective, detention centres are not prepared to host intoxicated people and often do not offer proper conditions for detention of persons.

Weisburd, D., Telep, C., & Lawton, B. (2014). Could Innovations in Policing have Contributed to the New York City Crime Drop even in a Period of Declining Police Strength?: The Case of Stop, Question and Frisk as a Hot Spots Policing Strategy. Justice Quarterly, 31(1), 129-153.

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Fabien Jobard et al. (2012). Measuring Appearance-Based Discrimination: an Analysis of Identity Checks in Paris. Population (Vol. 67), p. 423-451

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