Keywords Human rights

Aden, H., Bosch, A., Fährmann, J. and Thurn, R. (2022), “Police stops in Germany – between legal rules and informal practices”, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 116-131.

discrimination, Ethnography, Germany, Human rights, legality, micro-politics, police stops

Purpose This paper analyzes micro-political strategies that police officers use during police stops, mostly based on their professional or personal…

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Relatório “Respeito pelos Direitos Humanos em Portugal” (2018). Amnesty International Portugal

Human rights

Amnesty International Portugal, as the report published by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman Treatment of the…

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Relatório sobre “O RESPEITO PELOS DIREITOS HUMANOS EM PORTUGAL (2014). Divisão da Democracia, Direitos Humanos e Trabalho. Departamento de Estado dos E.U.A.

Human rights

This Report released by the U.S. Department of State's Division of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor reveals the following conclusions…

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Demarchi, C. (2016) “Direitos Fundamentais, Judicialização e Ativismo Judicial” in Liber Amicorum Manuel Simas Santos. 1ª Edição. Rei dos Livros. pág. 798-821

Human rights

Work focuses on the legal regime human rights in portuguese law and Constitution. This work paper also focus the problem…

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Lennon, G. (2015). Precautionary tales: Suspicionless counter-terrorism stop and search. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 15(1), 44-62.

Human rights, policing, precautionary, terrorism, uncertainty

In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the use of the precautionary principle within counter-terrorism. To date…

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Lennon, G. (2016). Stop and search powers in UK terrorism investigations: A limited judicial oversight? †. The International Journal of Human Rights, 20(5), 634-648.

counter-terrorism, Human rights, policing powers, precaution, stop and search

At the pre-trial stage of counter-terrorist investigations, an ‘Anglo-Saxon’ indulgence towards street-level policing powers has been brought to task by…

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