Relatório sobre “O RESPEITO PELOS DIREITOS HUMANOS EM PORTUGAL (2014). Divisão da Democracia, Direitos Humanos e Trabalho. Departamento de Estado dos E.U.A.

Published on 18/05/2020

This Report released by the U.S. Department of State’s Division of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor reveals the following conclusions about Portugal:
a) The security forces have committed human rights abuses;
b) The most relevant human rights problems included the excessive use of force and abuse of detainees and prisoners by police and prison guards, poor prison conditions and violence against women and children.
Other problems included the incarceration of minors with adults and pre-trial detainees with convicted criminals, the denial of the right to counsel and contact by detainees with the family;
c) prolonged preventive detentions, the detention of asylum seekers, an ever greater gap between the wages of men and women, social discrimination against Roma members, and trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation and forced labor;
d) The State, in general, tried and punished official entities that committed abuses. However, during the year, a report by the Council of the Commission of Europe for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) reported that the abuse reporting system did not work, thus rendering it ineffective.

Monte, M. F.& Loureiro, F.N.(2011) “Comentários das Alterações ao Regime da Detenção e Prisão Preventiva da Lei n.º 26/2010, de 30 de Agosto”, in As Alterações de 2010 ao Código Penal e ao Processo Penal do Centro de Estudos Judiciários. Coimbra Editora, Coimbra. 2011. p. 221.

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Relatório "Respeito pelos Direitos Humanos em Portugal" (2018). Amnesty International Portugal

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