Languages English

Nawaz, A., & Tankebe, J. (2018). Tracking Procedural Justice in Stop and Search Encounters: Coding Evidence from Body-Worn Video Cameras. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing, 2(3), 139-163.

Procedural justice . Tracking . Body-worn video . Stop and search . Police citizen encounters

To what extent do police stop-and-search practices, as captured on officers’ body-worn video cameras, adhere to key dimensions of procedural…

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Norris, C., Fielding, N., Kemp, C., & Fielding, J. (1992). Black and blue: An analysis of the influence of race on being stopped by the police. British Journal of Sociology, 207-224.

None given

This article addresses the debate over the disproportionate representation of black people in the criminal justice system, with particular reference…

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Novich, M., & Hunt, G. (2017). “Get off me”: Perceptions of disrespectful police behaviour among ethnic minority youth gang members. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 24(3), 248-255. doi:10.1080/09687637.2016.1239697

 drug-dealing gang members,  police abuse of force,  police interactions,  procedural justice, Gangs, police

Recent media accounts have highlighted issues of use and abuse of police force and policing practices targeted at ethnic minorities…

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Olsen, Hilgunn (2017) Open drug scenes and police strategies in Oslo, Norway, Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 18:2, 141-156, DOI: 10.1080/14043858.2017.1388028

 drug policy,  dual-track policy,  harm reduction,  illicit drugs,  open drug scene, Police strategies

As part of her ongoing PhD-project, Hilgunn Olsen has looked into differences in police strategies related to open drug scenes…

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O’Neill, M. (2015). The case for the acceptable ‘other’: The impact of partnerships, pcsos, and neighbourhood policing on diversity in policing. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 9(1), 77-88.

None given

Policing in England and Wales has experienced several significant events and developments since the murder of Stephen Lawrence in 1993.…

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O’Reilly, J. (2002). Police Traffic Stops and Racial Profiling Resolving Management, Labor and Civil Rights Conflicts. Springfield: Charles C Thomas.

discrimination in law enforcement, Racial profiling in law enforcement, Traffic Violations

This text examines the numbers, the advocacy arguments and the practical realities of the'racial profiling'controversy. By applying law, logic, electoral…

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Parmar, A. (2011). Stop and search in London: Counter-terrorist or counter-productive? Policing and Society, 21(4), 369-382.

Asian Muslims, counter-terrorist, criminalising, policing, stop and search

The principle of ‘reasonable suspicion’ aims to prevent the abuse of the police power to stop, search and arrest and…

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Parmentier, S., & Vervaeke, G. (2011). In criminal justice we trust? A decade of public opinion research in Belgium. European Journal of Criminology, 8(4), 286–302.

Belgium, confidence, Criminal Justice, public opinion, Survey

Like other modern-day democracies, Belgium has in the last quarter century introduced many changes in its system for justice administration,…

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Parpworth, N. (2014). Reforming Police Powers of Stop And Search: Voluntary Action. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 87(4), 234-244.

stop and search; reforms; voluntary nature; legislative threat

The police use of statutory stop and search powers is an ongoing cause for concern. Research evidence dating back a…

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