RODRIGUES, A.J.J. (2008). O Regime Legal da Identificação: Reflexões sobre o Instituto da Detenção para efeitos de Identificação”, In M.M.V: GUEDES & M.T.P: MARTINS (coords.), Estudos em Homenagem ao Professor Doutor Artur Anselmo, Coimbra: Almedina.

Published on 18/05/2020

The main objective of this dissertation was to understand the confidence of young people in the police and the legitimacy they attribute to.More speciffically, to understand young people’s trust in the police, youths’trus tin the efficacy of the police, youths’satisfaction with the police work, and the perceived police legitimacy in accordance with the theory of procedural justice, performance theory and social capital theory. The study uses mixed methodologies (questionnaire to a sample of youths of Porto metropolitan area, and focus groups with a sub-sample).”There was an ambivalent relationship between young people and the police, existing difficulties regarding the cooperation between them. Taken together, variables related to procedural justice theory, performance theory and social capital theory were proved relevant in shaping the perceptions of young people about the police. The study also highlighted additional data regarding the relevance of compulsive contacts with the police: these contacts, when perceived as satisfactory by young people, could foster youth’s trust in the police and more favorable perceptions about the institution.”

Monte, M. F.& Loureiro, F.N.(2011) “Comentários das Alterações ao Regime da Detenção e Prisão Preventiva da Lei n.º 26/2010, de 30 de Agosto”, in As Alterações de 2010 ao Código Penal e ao Processo Penal do Centro de Estudos Judiciários. Coimbra Editora, Coimbra. 2011. p. 221.

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