Keywords police

Scalia, V. (2022), “Deadly dialogues: The Magherini case and police brutalities in Italy”, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 181-193.

brutality, enforcement, Italy, othering, police, procedure

Purpose This paper looks at police brutalities in Italy. In particular, the discussion focusses on the case of the death…

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Varghese, A. (2022), “Police interactions in post-colonial India: how particularistic accountability, legitimacy and tolerated illegality condition everyday policing in Delhi and Kerala”, Journal of Organizational Ethnography, Vol. 11 No. 2, pp. 162-180.

accountability, everyday, India, Legitimacy, police, power, tolerated illegality

Purpose The paper aims to relocate discussions on police stops and police interactions from the Anglophone world to the particularistic…

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Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2018). Young people’s conceptions of trust and confidence in the crime control system: Differences between public and private policing. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 18, 156–172.

 procedural justice, focus groups, police, private security guards, Trust, youth

Private security increasingly participates in policing, thus changing the field of policing. However, there is a lack of research on…

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Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2021). Etnisten vähemmistönuorten kokemukset virallisesta kontrollista ja leimasta. [Experiences of label and control among ethnic minority youths in Finland, Finnish Criminology Journal] Kriminologia, 1(1), 20–38.

criminological labeling theory, Ethnic profiling, police, private security, youth

Finland is characterised by the high levels of trust in the police. Recently though, discussions have been raised about ethnic…

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Schaap, D., & Saarikkomäki, E. (2022). Rethinking police procedural justice. Theoretical Criminology.

 procedural justice, Legitimacy, police, police-citizen relations, Trust

While procedural justice theory has become the dominant paradigm in thinking about police legitimacy, it has several important weaknesses. First,…

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Filho, A. G. (2002). Poder de Polícia e a Limitação da Liberdade Física Individual. Lisboa: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa.


This Master's thesis is about yhe police powers and the limitation of individual freedom, under several points of view. This…

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Fabien Jobard et al. (2012). Measuring Appearance-Based Discrimination: an Analysis of Identity Checks in Paris. Population (Vol. 67), p. 423-451

discrimination, France, identity check, minorities, police, profiling

This article sets out the main results of a survey conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research on Law and…

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de Maillard, J. (2019). Les contrôles d’identité, entre politiques policières, pratiques professionnelles et effets sociaux. Un état critique des connaissances. Champ pénal/Penal Field, Vol. 16. 

delinquency, discrimination, police, stop and search, Trust

The purpose of this article is to propose a critical state of knowledge on control practices and policies and their…

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