Countries Portugal

Valente, M.M.G. (2016), “Autoridade de Polícia: (já) é tempo de clarificar a sua intervenção no processo Penal”. In Liber Amicorum Manuel Simas Santos. 1st Ed. Rei dos Livros. pág. 999-1020

Police Authority; criminal procedure

Article about the fundamental questions of police authority and thr rule of law, the power of control on citizens. The…

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Valente, M.M.G.(2012) “Teoria geral do direito policial. ” 6th Ed. Almedina editor. Coimbra

Policial Law

The General Theory of Police Law is assumed as the development and affirmation of a scientific area of ??Law within…

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Valente, M.M.G. (2006), “Do Mandado de Detenção Europeu”, Almedina Ed., Coimbra

Arrest warrant; European cooperation

The European Arrest Warrant teleologically engages in the concept of speed and efficiency of European judicial cooperation in criminal matters…

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Trovão do Rosário, P. (2013), “O mandado de detenção europeu : enquadramento e ponderação atual” in Jurismat: Revista Jurídica. n.º 03-2013. Lisbon

European arrest warrant

The Constitution of the Portuguese Republic announces it as sovereign (article 3, number 2) and based on the dignity of…

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Silva, I.J.F.C. (2017) “Abuso de Autoridade na Guarda Nacional Republicana: um contributo exploratório.” Master’s Degree in Militar Science – specialized in Security. Explorathory Study. Lisbon

Authority abuse; national Republican Guarde

Investigation about "Abuse of Authority in the Republican National Guard: an exploring contribute", and it was carried out in an…

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Rola, R. (2016) “Abuso de Autoridade” Dicionário «Crime, Justiça e Sociedade». Collective Book. Coordinators: Rui Leandro Maia, Laura Nunes Sónia Caridade et al. Edições Sílabo, 1st. Ed., Lisbon. Pag.7-8

Authority; Abuse of power

About the legal concept of abuse of authority. Type of crime committed in the exercise of public functions. Breach of…

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Rola, R. (2016) “Abuso de Força”. Dicionário «Crime, Justiça e Sociedade». Colletive Book. Autores Vários. Coordinators: Rui Leandro Maia, Laura Nunes Sónia Caridade et al. Edições Sílabo, 1st. Ed., Lisboa. Pag. 11-12

Abuse of force; policial abuse

Text about the abuse of police force or equivalent. Use of unjustified and disproportionate force against the didadão, whether he…

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Relatório “Respeito pelos Direitos Humanos em Portugal” (2018). Amnesty International Portugal

Human rights

Amnesty International Portugal, as the report published by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman Treatment of the…

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Parecer n.º 7/2002 da Procuradoria Geral da República (2013). Available in:

Detention; Legal procedures

Opinion of the Attorney General's Office about detention and legal procedures.

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