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Wagman, D. y Pernas, B. (2005). Perfil Racial en España: investigaciones y recomendaciones. New York: Open Society Justice Initiative.
The vast majority of police officers at all levels of the security forces, municipal, regional and national, admit to stop…
Read moreMiller, J., et al. (2008). Racism and police stops: Adapting US and British debates to continental Europe. European journal of criminology, 5(2), 161-191.
Findings from an international research programme on police stops in Bulgaria, Hungary and Spain are reviewed in the context of…
Read moreMiller, J. (2015). Identificaciones policiales imparciales y eficaces. Lecciones sobre la reforma en cinco servicios policiales españoles. Informe técnico. Open Society Foundations.
Around the world, police services, authorities and groups of civil society have worked hard to develop the best practices to…
Read moreMiller, J.; Arenas, L.; García-España, E. (2019). Regulating Police Stops in Spain: Assessing the Transportability of a Police Reform Model en International Journal of Police Science & Management. Forthcoming.
We study how the England and Wales Model (EWM) of police stop reforms was introduced into five Spanish police agencies.…
Read moreGarcía-España, E., Arenas García, L., Miller, J. (2016). Identificaciones policiales y perfil racial en España. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
This book presents the results achieved with the evaluation of the Effective Police Identification Program (PIPE) promoted by the Platform…
Read moreGarcía Añón, J., Bradford, B., García Sáez, J.A., Gascón Cuenca, A., y Llorente Ferreres, A. (2013). Identificación policial por perfil étnico en España. Informe sobre experiencias y actitudes en relación con las actuaciones policiales. Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia.
The aim of this study is the analysis of data from two surveys conducted by Metroscopia with the support of…
Read moreFerrocarril Clandestino (2010). Informe de investigación sobre controles, identificaciones y detenciones. Madrid.
This report has been prepared based on testimonies collected from June 2009 to March 2010 on massive identity checks and…
Read moreDefensor del Pueblo (2013). Recomendaciones a la Dirección General de la Policía contra los controles de identificación basados en perfiles raciales.
Recommendations of the Spanish Ombudsman to the Directorate General of the Police so that, Circular 1/2010, of January 25, is…
Read moreArenas, L./ García-España, E. (2016). Identificaciones policiales y discriminación racial en España. Evaluación de un programa para su reducción, en Boletín Criminológico, (3) 163.
According to some studies (ESS, 2010; García Añón et al, 2013), police officers treat people of different races or ethnic…
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