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Canotilho, G., Moreira, V., (2007) Constituição da República Anotada. Art. 31º annotated. Vol. I. 4th. Ed., Coimbra Editora. Coimbra
This text annotate the 31º article of portuguese Constitution. It focus some important constitutional concepts, as: detention against law; the…
Read moreBrito, N. M. (2013) Direito Administrativo de Polícia. In: Tratado de Direito Administrativo Especial, Volume IV. Coord. Paulo Otero e Pedro Gonçalves. Almedina. Coimbra. Pag. 281 – 420
Special Administrative Law Treaty, is a book in 4 volumes. In the book IV are published several articles, by academics,…
Read moreAndrade, J. C. V. (2019) Os Direitos Fundamentais na Constituição Portuguesa de 1976. 6th Ed. Almedina, Coimbra
However, the delegation of security functions or administrative police powers to private entities must be wary of the noxiousness of…
Read moreAlves, M.J.& Gonçalves,F. (2011) – As medidas de coacção no processo penal português. 1st Ed. Almedina. Coimbra
The growth of social security privatization requires rethinking the principles of subsidiarity and democratic participation of citizens in social life,…
Read moreAlmeida, C.A. S. (2006). Medidas Cautelares e de Polícia do Processo Penal, em Direito Comparado. 1st. Ed. Almedina. Coimbra
The classical dichotomy between the public and private sectors was the driving force that enabled the development of public forms…
Read moreAbreu, C. P. (2011). “Prisão Preventiva e Detenção – Mais do que o Acidental e Alterável, o Essencial e Imutável.” In: As Alterações de 2010 ao Código Penal e ao Código de Processo Penal. Coimbra: Coimbra Editora
More than the excess of imprisonment, it is intolerable that any citizen can be deprived of their freedom without knowing…
Read moreVerwee, I. (2013) De politierol bekeken door de bril van de burger. Een caleidoscoop van verwachtingen en betekenissen. Antwerpen: Maklu
Verwee examined the way in which the population describes the role of the police. She noticed big differences between population…
Read moreSollund, R. (2007). Tatt for en annen: En feltstudie av relasjonen mellom etniske minoriteter og politiet. [Mistaken for someone else: A field study of relations between ethnic minorities and the police]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.
Ragnhild Sollund (criminology) published on the topic of relations between ethnic minorities and the police through a book entitled “Mistaken…
Read moreRidgeway, G. (2009). Cincinnati Police Department traffic stops applying RAND’s framework to analyze racial disparities. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, Center on Quality Policing.
In 2002, the Cincinnati Police Department (CPD) joined with other agencies and organizations to improve police-community relations in the city.…
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