Keywords Ethnic profiling

Saarikkomäki, Elsa (2021). Etnisten vähemmistönuorten kokemukset virallisesta kontrollista ja leimasta. [Experiences of label and control among ethnic minority youths in Finland, Finnish Criminology Journal] Kriminologia, 1(1), 20–38.

criminological labeling theory, Ethnic profiling, police, private security, youth

Finland is characterised by the high levels of trust in the police. Recently though, discussions have been raised about ethnic…

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Vanassche, N. & A. Verhage (2015) Racisme en etnisch profileren door politie: in België? Cahiers Politiestudies, 35-58

Belgium, Ethnic minority youth, Ethnic profiling, police, racism

The authors examine to what extent the ethnic minority youth of Kortrijk experiences the actions of the police as racist.…

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Wästerfors, D. & V. B. Alm (2019) “‘They are harsher to me than to my friend who is blonde’. Police critique among ethnic minority youth in Sweden”, Journal of Youth Studies. DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2019.1592129

 comparisons,  identifications, discrimination, Ethnic profiling, ethnicity, racism

Young people belonging to categories and living in areas that are targeted by the police find more arguments for detailed…

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Pływaczewski, E. (2017). Bezpieczeństwo obywateli – prawa człowieka – zrównoważony rozwój, Białystok

Ethnic profiling, new technologies in fighting crime

The study analyses conflict between human rights and modern threats to public safety, also with regard to ethnic profiling and…

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Miller, J., et al. (2008). Racism and police stops: Adapting US and British debates to continental Europe. European journal of criminology, 5(2), 161-191.

disproportionality, Ethnic profiling, Institutional racism, police stops racial profiling

Findings from an international research programme on police stops in Bulgaria, Hungary and Spain are reviewed in the context of…

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Miller, J.; Arenas, L.; García-España, E. (2019). Regulating Police Stops in Spain: Assessing the Transportability of a Police Reform Model en International Journal of Police Science & Management. Forthcoming.

disproportionality, Ethnic profiling, evaluation, police reform, police stops

We study how the England and Wales Model (EWM) of police stop reforms was introduced into five Spanish police agencies.…

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Makaruk, E. (ed) (2011). Poczucie bezpieczeństwa obywateli w Polsce. Identyfikacja i przeciwdziałanie współczesnym zagrożeniom, Warszawa

Ethnic profiling, trust in Police

The study describes reasons of and challenges to Polish high trust in the Police. It focuses mainly on society's attitude…

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Keskinen, S. P., Aminkeng Atabong, A., Himanen, M., Kivijärvi, A., Osazee, U., Rousku, V., & Pöyhölä, N. (2018). The Stopped-Ethnic profiling in Finland.

Ethnic profiling, police, private security border control, riacial profiling

This research examined ethnic profiling in Finland with a focus on its prevalence, forms and interpretations of (1) people who…

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Keskinen et al. (2018). The Stopped: Spaces, Meanings and Practices of Ethnic Profiling –study. Sskh reports and discussion papers

disproportionality, Ethnic profiling, police stops

Part of a larger study. This research examined ethnic profiling in Finland with a focus on its prevalence, forms and…

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