Document Types Report

Relatório “Respeito pelos Direitos Humanos em Portugal” (2018). Amnesty International Portugal

Human rights

Amnesty International Portugal, as the report published by the Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman Treatment of the…

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Relatório da ECRI sobre Racismo em Portugal – ECRI Secretariat Directorate General II – Democracy Council of Europe – Published in 2 October 2019 Available:

Crime; anual data

The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), established by the Council of Europe, is an independent monitoring institution in…

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Kerry, J. (2014). Relatório sobre o uso de força excessiva e violação dos Direitos Humanos em Portugal. Amnistia Internacional – Informe 2014/15, pag. 188 e ss

ilegal detention; stop for search; authority abuses

John Kerry report prepared for AMI - Report 2014 / 15. Study based on complaints against the Portuguese Republic regarding…

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IGAI (2017). Recomendação – IG-3/2017, Recomendação sobre a Identificação e Detenção de menores no âmbito da Lei Tutelar Educativa

Dettention of minors

Document produced by de staff services of the Ministry. Juridic opinion of the General Inspection of the Ministry of Internal…

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IGAI (2017). Recomendação-IG-6/2017 (realização de revistas preventivas a cidadãos, incluindo as que envolvem menores de idade; Recomendações às Forças de Segurança e ao SEF)

Search; minor citizen

Document produced by de staff services of the Ministry. Juridic opinion of the General Inspection of the Ministry of Internal…

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Défenseur des droits (2017). Enquête sur l’accès aux droits, vol. 1 – Relations police-population : le cas des contrôles d’identité. 

None given

While for the majority of respondents, police/population relations are satisfactory, specific groups of people report more contrasting experiences. Young people aged…

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Wagman, D. y Pernas, B. (2005). Perfil Racial en España: investigaciones y  recomendaciones. New York: Open Society Justice Initiative. 

The vast majority of police officers at all levels of the security forces, municipal, regional and national, admit to stop…

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